Barron’s weekend wrapup: Understand jobless numbers; Buy Japanese blue chips; Take another look at Iran and Greece


    Here are some of the top stories in Barron’s this weekend:

    The government may be over-counting the number of unemployed peopleWriter Gene Epstein reviews the technique the Bureau of Labor Statistics uses to determine the closely watched jobs report and highlights some surprising facts.

    In the cover story “Time to buy Japan’s blue chips,” Jack Hough says the land of the rising sun is going after corporate bloat and that earnings are on the rise. “In 2010, companies in the Nikkei 225 stock index turned just a nickel of each revenue dollar into operating profit, versus more than 14 cents for companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 index.” That could be on the verge of changing. Barron’s.

    OpEd writer Thomas Donlan dissects the big events of the week — the new deals in Greece and Iran. He doesn’t like what he sees.

    Photo: Toshihiro Oimatsu