Peek at Bridgewater’s interview questions

    hyena hunt

    Getting hired at Bridgewater Associates isn’t easy. As one of the world’s biggest hedge funds, Ray Dalio’s firm has a reputation for being incredibly intense, and maybe a little crazy. Dalio has said the self-improvement process is like “when a pack of hyenas takes down a young wildebeest,” reports Business Insider. Like companies such as Google, Bridgewater is more interested in forcing an interviewee to think about a complex question than to get a correct answer.  Says Dalio:

    “The answer doesn’t really matter. It’s totally great if the person’s thinking on the subject ends in a different place than the beginning, because moving forward together to get at the best answer is more important than being right from the outset.”

    Here are some of the most interesting Bridgewater interview questions Business Insider found on Glassdoor:

    • For a facilities-manager candidate: “Are there any circumstances under which torture is justified?”
    • For an investment associate: “Would the world be better off with an open border policy?”
    • For an investment associate: “Should hate crimes be punished more strictly than regular crimes?”
    • For a management associate: “Should participation in a team sport be mandated for young children?”
    • For an investment associate: “Should the U.S. be allowed to kill civilians using drone strikes?”
    Photo: Richard Toller