NexAmerica AM: Greek hopefuls push stocks up


    Good morning,

    Everyone is excited about Greece. Japan’s Nikkei hit an 18 year high Wednesday as investors got excited about a (hopefully) imminent Greek deal. Even Chinese stocks were looking up a bit after a rough patch. U.S. stocks were also up over night. The Singapore stock exchange identified the problem that caused a power outage last year, and has promised to fix it with a big technology boost.

    Emerging market forex reserves has biggest quarterly drop in six years. Foreign currencies held by central banks in emerging markets fell 3% to $7.5 trillion in the first quarter, its biggest three-month drop since January-March 2009. The Wall Street Journal (paywall)

    US-French relations just got hairy. Wikileaks outed the NSA for spying on France between 2006 and 2012. The U.S. has not yet commented, but the French are already peeved. Spying between friends? Not cool, they say. BBC

    Save yourself email embarrassment. Google now has an “undo” button for emails part of its regular Gmail offering. That email you sent your boss at 1 a.m. after a few margaritas? Consider it gone. Gizmodo

    Confederate flag sales rise as retailers pull out products. Wal-Mart, Sears, eBay, Target, Amazon removed their flag-emblazoned products Tuesday in the wake of protests after a massacre at an African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina. But that hasn’t stopped some buyers from last minute purchases. CNBC

    Pink flamingo creator dies. Don Featherstone, creator of the plastic pink lawn flamingo, died Monday after a fight with Lewy body dementia. He was 79. Featherstone created the now famous lawn flamingo in 1957 based on a National Geographic photo. NPR

    Photo: Lindsey Turner via Flickr.