Job numbers were out early this week, as the U.S. markets are closed Friday for Independence Day. The U.S. had its third straight month of job gains with 223,000 jobs added last month. But there was a whiff of disappointment: May and April numbers were revised lower; wage growth was weak, and the participation in the labor force dropped again as job seekers gave up. After festivities this Saturday the U.S. will turn its attention back to Greece and its referendum Sunday. But on a more important note, even President Obama is defending guacamole from the New York Times‘ blasphemous suggestion of adding peas to the delicious dish. Way to not be ‘murican, NYT.
BP reaches settlement for 2010 spill. The U.S. government and Gulf Coast states reached a record-setting $18.7 billion settlement with BP Thursday, after the 2010 oil spill. A judge must still approve the amount, which will be the largest environmental settlement ever.
IMF has more to say on Greece and the current government won’t like it. Discussions may have ended, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t talking about Greece. The IMF has warned the E.U. that the country needs at least €60 billion in extra funds over the next three years and massive debt relief to stabilize the economy. Greek debt is “unsustainable,” the IMF says, adding that recent decisions have worsened the economy. The international organization doesn’t specifically say, you, Syriza are responsible for the current mess — but the implications are clear. The Guardian, New York Times (paywall)
Airbnb invades Cuba. The Cubans are taking advantage of their new found friendship with the U.S., and jumping on U.S. trends, like Airbnb. Cuba is now the hotel-rival’s fastest growing market. Bloomberg
Dems add to presidential race. They have nowhere near as many candidates as the GOP, but more Democrats are throwing their hat into the ring for the 2016 presidential election. Former senator from Virginia Jim Webb launched his campaign Thursday. He’s considered very much an underdog compared to Hillary Clinton and her Democratic competitors. Reuters
Photo: Jeffrey via Flickr.