Investing is all about identifying relationships. A change in this data point will affect that asset. A change in that asset will affect this other asset. This domino effect can ultimately wreak havoc on an investment portfolio.
Of course, there’s an almost infinite amount of possible connections between corporate activity, macro- and micro-economic indicators and other global events that can influence the financial markets at any moment. Figuring out how to parse all of that data has become the new name of the game for Wall Street.
Artificial Intelligence company Yewno is aiming at revealing the intricacy of these hidden relationships with its new Yewno|Edge investment research platform, which launched last week.
Yewno|Edge features AI-driven company information pages that display, amongst others, real-time pricing, market anomalies, sentiment indicators, and portfolio exposure insights. The platform also offers a strategy builder capable of screening millions of relevant data points along thematic criteria around which users can build and back-test …
Read the full story at Benzinga.
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