How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Social Influencer Marketing

Social influencer marketing has continued to grow at a rapid pace over the last few years. Sponsored posts on Facebook, for example, generated a total of 1 billion likes in 2018 alone. This clearly shows that social influencer marketing has the potential to help brands create visibility and social media engagement. However, even with these successes, a lot of experts agree that there’s still room to do more. This is why AI is finding new applications in social influencer marketing campaigns. AI is a new facet in our technology and it’s changing many sectors for the better.

Social Influencer Marketing
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But how can this technology help in social influencer marketing?


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  • Helps Analyze Data

Social influencer marketing campaigns are often driven by data. Knowing who to target and how to do it can often be a complex process. However, AI can help simplify this. Brands and social media marketing experts can leverage machine learning offered through AI to understand and interpret trends, track and make sense of marketing data, and monitor how their audiences are engaging with the brands. This will lead to marketing optimization and efficiency. In addition to this, companies will be able to understand the kind of content the audience wants and how to deliver it.

  • Fights Influencer Fraud

There are of course many genuine influencers out there who have helped brands get the word out about what they are offering. But there are still a few who engage in influencer fraud. Generated likes may not be as meaningful as the influencer wants you to believe. But AI can help brands track marketing campaigns and prevent fraud in the process.

When it comes to social influencer marketing, it’s not just enough to get likes. Many brandswill at first ask this, “How can you buy Facebook fan page likes?” But even then, they want to be followed by people who care about them. This means thatthese people are more likely to take a sales action. It’s the job of a social influencer to bring on board these types of followers and the AI will make sure they do.

How Practical is AI in Social Influence Marketing

Although there are of course some benefits that come with incorporating AI into social influencer marketing, some brands may find it hard to do this. This is because AI is a complex software system that requires a lot of technical know-how to establish and operate. In addition to this, the technology can be expensive.

Some brands may look at the overall cost of setting up an AI system for the social media campaign and back away. However, the long-term benefits can outweigh the cost. The initial investment needed to get a good AI up and running can be off-putting no doubt. But when you look at the long term benefits that these systems deliver in social media marketing, you will be a fool not to try them. Besides, you can start with smaller, less complex AI systems as you move forward in your campaigns.

This article was originally published in ValueWalk.

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